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A question for Sony (well lots of questions) If anyone has answers let me know!!...

A question for Sony (well lots of questions) If anyone has answers let me know!!...

I bought a Bravia 40NX-713 then subsequently bought home cinema BDV-E780W (and had to wait nearly 4 months for the latter).

1) why are the music options and playback features are so different between the 2?

2) why the network list for the home cinema only has facebook and no ebay, twitter, flickr, etc

3) where is Skype on both - mentioned in an email I got in January

4) I have left a message on Facebook asking why I cant access the 5 classic movies on Video Unlimited (x2 as one for each device) using the code in the emails I received in January

5) can we get a spotify app

6) will the TV ever support the media remote on android

7) when will the media remote get network services...

😎 will future upgrades make it easier to playlist music from servers - current system is clunky and hate to admit that my brother in law's Samsung seems to have a better interface

9) will we get more apps on the TV (again Samsung seem to do better on this)

10) will Netflix get added

Don't get me wrong I love both sets of kit - although the sound on the TV through its speakers is shockingly tinny - and still spend too much time mucking about with the web services....but could do so much more!!!



  1. Can you clarify? Not sure I fully understand the question.
  2. On the HC, if youc an see Facebook, you should also get Twitter AFAIK - was never any support for ebay and Flikr though ( these were on an older Yahoo widget enabled TV platform)
  3. Skype is on all connected 2011 TV's and some HC models. Your Tv was a 2010 model so built on a slightly different platform, thus some things aren't backwardly compatible.
  4. Can you link to your message, so I can have someone assist you? The process for claiming these movies was inadvertantly a bit of a bugger, so let me get somone to hep out here.
  5. Not at present - we have our own in house service called Music Unlimited - worth checking out as it also has an Android app as well.
  6. Related to Q3, not backwardly compatible with this model I'm afraid.
  7. Hopefully very soon, I think we were just waiting for the final contract to be signed with one of the partners.
  8. Bit of a limitation with our current build of DLNA, I think - might be worth looking at another DLNA server like Serviio which handles album art etc.
  9. More on the roadmap for sure
  10. Separate thread on this one at the moment - hopefully be able to announce something soon.

Hope this helps a bit :slight_smile:


Really nice Q&A session .... helpful info indeed

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