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BDP-S373 7.1 audio playback problem

BDP-S373 7.1 audio playback problem

Problem concerning BD with 7.1 soundtrack.  Instead of converting the 7.1 signal to 5.1, the player is knocking out the centre speaker.  E.g. Tron Legacy comes with a 7.1 English track and a 5.1 Spanish track.  The latter plays perfectly - the 7.1 DTS track is almost inaudible as the speech track from the centre speaker is missing.  I downloaded the latest firmware upgrade but this has NOT rectified the problem. NOTE: I tried the disc in BDP-S363 and the machine converted the 7.1 to 5.1 without any difficulty.  However, as more discs are being issued with 7.1 soundtracks, I need to know that the problem is being addressed and that I can be confident that my machine will be able to cope with future releases.


My phone call for support (first point of contact Cairo!) was escalated to the UK office. Settings that appeared to be correct in 'Audio Settings' only needed one adjustment.  The agent at Sony UK and I found the solution completely by accident as we tweaked each line of the set-up instructions in turn until the machine produced the desired output.  Top marks to the Sony agent for his patience and approach to solving a problem that shound have been remedied by the machine itself.  Another example of how the latest may not necessarily be the best.  The BDP-S373 is essentially the same as the 363 but requires extra set-up in comparison whereas the 363 is fully set-up out of the box.  Moral of the story - if you see a 363 on sale cheaply and you don;t want/prefer not to change factory settings then, surprisingly, the older model is better value!

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Message was edited by: chashmo

Message was edited by: chashmo

Message was edited by: chashmo