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Desk Top, running Office 2003 and backup


Desk Top, running Office 2003 and backup

Could anyone tell me why sometimes when my laptop goes to sleep it comes back with a low screen resolution that messes up my everything. How do I stop it doing this?

Also I am running Office 2003. I uninstalled 2007 trial version which is both expensive and not compatable with 2003 which everyone I know uses. It is a legal version and it does work but I always get a message saying "Office application version does not match" which makes it look as if it has not started. Does anyone know how to get rid of this?

When I try to back up the machine to new DVDs it always comes up with the message that the disk is scratched chuck it away. How can I oivercome this problem?

Can I back up over my LAN to the hard disc on another computer?

I have to say that I got this computer following an insurance claim therefore I get no back up from the supplier Empire. It is the most difficult computer to use that I have had since the bad days of the early 1990s. A combination of Sony Vista and Empire is just so bad. I would discourage anyone using any of them.


Could anyone tell me why sometimes when my laptop goes to sleep it comes back with a low screen resolution that messes up my everything. How do I stop it doing this?

Hi steere,

welcome to Club Vaio.. :slight_smile:

Depending on what Vaio model you have there may be a Video Driver update that will resolve the screen resolution problem..

You can check the downloads section here to see if there is an update available or post back with your Vaio model and one of could check for you.. :wink: