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Hdmi intermittent sound problem, laptop to tv using vlc

Hdmi intermittent sound problem, laptop to tv using vlc

Hi All,  I am having problems with an hdmi connection between my laptop, vcbe3c5b and Bravia tv, kdl32ex503. I've read alot of posts about sound not working at all but none so far about intermittent sound, I'm hoping someone out there has an answer to this.  To explain further When playing video using vlc player sound is perfect through laptop speakers however once an hdmi cable is used to send to the tv the sound plays through the tv speakers but it cuts in and out every 5 sec or so. I've looked at all the settings on the tv sound and laptop sound but no joy. I've usd different cables to connect with no joy.  Can any one shed some light on this dilemma? Cheers.

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