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problem beep during the use of windows xp


problem beep during the use of windows xp

hi, from a few months, during the use of windows xp, feels a strange beep, from thing it could depend? I am sure that it is the announcer of the pc to produce it.

tell me thanks

installed software :
Dreamveawer 8 , firework 8, flash 8, office 2003, photoshop cs 2, coreldraw x3 suite, outpost 4, kaspersky 6

notebook: Sony vaio PCG-GRT816M/IT1


When does it beep and how often? What BIOS version do you have? Are you sure it's not that Windows Error Beep?


When does it beep and how often?

I have noticed that the beep does it in windows when the hard disk is under stress, that is when I start a program. the frequency is casual, yesterday it has done me him 2 - 3 times when I started the programs, today never in half time ...

is it perhaps the hard disk that is going? I have tried to make a will it with programs of diagnistic as hdd life and me from all ok


What BIOS version do you have? 

BIOS version R0160F0
 Are you sure it's not that Windows Error Beep?

no it surely originates from the speaker of the mainboard, has made bep when I had the volume of the card audio is disabilited 😞

The sound should be like a code. It will say what's wrong.

for example 1x long, 2x short beeps.

However, It means you should contact VAIO-Link Support. Because something on your mainboard or other hardware could be faulty. You can't fix it by your self.

(My brothers PC died in this way few years ago. Unknown beeps until death. So, backup your Files and keep your VAIO off, if you don't need it really)


The sound should be like a code. It will say what's wrong.

for example 1x long, 2x short beeps.

However, It means you should contact VAIO-Link Support. Because something on your mainboard or other hardware is faulty. You can't fix it by your self.

I receive a 1x short beep in windows xp , I don't know what it is signalling me unfortunately ...

I have written to this address

is it all right?


(My brothers PC died in this way few years ago. Unknown beeps until death. So, backup your Files and keep your VAIO off, if you don't need it really)

I am sorry it , hopes that mine both only a problem of hard disk, would not want it died with what I have paid him... 😞

This doesn’t sound like a system failure warning beep to me. Theses usually only occur during the boot process, not while Windows is loaded and running.

Have you looked in Event Viewer for any warning messages (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Look in all 4 areas for any warnings or errors.

Also check both the CPU and Hard Disk temperature with

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Have you looked in Event Viewer for any warning messages (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Look in all 4 areas for any warnings or errors. 

I have checked as soon as I have felt the beep, there isn't nothing, any error , nothing of nothing ...
Also check both the CPU and Hard Disk temperature with 

Yesterday the notebook has given me up to 80 degrees of CPU and 48 degrees of hard disk, however it has always had temperatures so the portable one

However the beep there has been also to notably lower temperatures, for example hard disk to 41 degrees

1x short beep before boot means everything is OK, in Award BIOS. And Phoenix BIOS version 6, Award and Phonix using same
(My desktop PC beeps if I have connect a USB device. One beep per unknown defice before system boots. Hwo knows why.)

One beep in Windows is not much. I have no idea what does it mean. :thinking:

You could go into BIOS settings and set them to default. But I'm not sure whether this helps.

Here are two little error-message list. One in German, one in English.

Tell your Question in this Forum too. Just post in english and keep it clean. (No "heeelp meeeee" garbage or you will be ignored). May they can help.

Theses usually only occur during the boot process, not while Windows is loaded and running.
I wouldn't be that sure there. But you could be right about that system failure. But in that case it does not sound better to me.