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Strange troubble on my DVD reader after installing a burn software

Strange troubble on my DVD reader after installing a burn software

HI everibody,

I have since 3 months a PCG-Z1 notebook. A ever have work fine. But since I installed Alcohol my DVD ROM make strange thinks.

My prob is that when I put a CD or DVD inside my DVD ROM, the led falsh a couple of time, the notification of disque insertion appear(the little icone who replace the pointer a little time), but my CD look empty.

I have try with CD, DVD, music CD and the result is ever the same, my disque seams empty but on my other PC they work.

I have try to update the firware, the APSI drivers, and boot on "Without echec Mode".

In this mode the resulte is that when I clik on my DVD icone on then destop, a error message say there is a Input/ Output error.

The desinstalation of Alcohol don't make my DVDROM go back to normal.

Help me please, I have try a lot, and I don't have find a solution.



No cross posting please.

Sorry it's my first time on the sony forum. Inever do it again

Welcome to the forum anyway