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SZ1XP getter slower- Help!


SZ1XP getter slower- Help!

My daughter's SZ1XP recently died after 6 months but was repaired under warranty (no problems with the repair procedure).
The list of parts used included a new motherboard but looks as though the hard drive was retained. On return we both noticed that even on the so called "speed" setting (using the Nvidia graphics card) everything is running more slowly now- not just boot-up but loading any application. Roughly 50% slower. Can anyone suggest why this might be happening and whether there are any ideas (short of full restore which is what Sony would suggest before considering a further trip to France for the laptop). Is there a BIOS setting which controls speed? XP reports the cpu as 1.83Ghz with 1GB RAM. A check on defrag shows no need. What is the probability that a restore to factory condition would solve the problem? A final note- we both have noticed that there is a clearly audible clicking from the HD parking mechanism which we are sure was not there before the repair. Is there a clue here?


Hmm tough one to answer without seeing the item in question. If you say there's a clicking sound that wasn't there before then this might indiciate that the drive's faulty, or just the management isn't as good on the older motherboard.