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trying to dorwngrade a fz18e from vista to XP diver help needed


trying to dorwngrade a fz18e from vista to XP diver help needed


as the topic suggests I am trying to downgrade to XP pro and getting stuck on the drivers. i have installed xp with a install cd embedded with the sata drivers.
I have found nice drivers for video, wireless and ethernet. I only now would like sound. would anybody know where to find the vgn-fx18e sound drivers for xp?
the sony site will not allow me to download the VGN-FZ19VN downgrade ones 😞
and i have tried countless others with no success :<<br/>including the FE31M-Series.

the sound card is a: Sigmatel CXD9872 High Definition Audio Codec

many many thanks



Hi Jon and welcome to Club Vaio.

Have you tried downloading the FZ19 XP Drivers from here? -

Unfortunately there are no Utilities and you may have to experiment with those from the FE-Series.


EDIT: Don't forget that you will need to install the UAA High Definition Sound Driver in order for XP to recognise the soundcard and allow installation of the Sigmatel driver - I have attached the UAA Driver below : -



you are far too kind!

I did'nt bring my laptop into work with me today so i cannot
try them out just now, so I will report back with my results over the next couple of days to let other FZ18E users know if a XP downgrade is possible.

Thank you.


The UAA high def driver installed will no probs. but unfortunately the Sigmatel driver did not want to follow suit. it popped up a error message saying something similar to:

'target object could not be found please reboot this machine and restart the installation.'

😞 rebooting did not work.
would know why this message is being displayed?

My house m8s and work colleagues are telling me to give in and install vista again,
but i am liking the challenge now.

jon x


Hi there,
I'm so glad that I'm try to do the same thing as you, I also try to downgrade FZ18E to XP as I don't like vista.

I downloaded all the files above and back up my laptop.

When I tried to install XP from CDs and the program said it couldn't find any of my hard drive. I wondering how you can XP in your vaio without fdisk you hard drive ( because I don't want to lose the recover partition)

I truly appreciate your help here


Hi jon,

I haven't seen that message before.

Try this one for XP: - SigmaTel Audio Driver Version 5.10.5067.0

Check it is installed properly by looking for 'Sigmatel High Definition Audio CODEC' in Device Manager -> Sound, Video and Game Controllers

Follow the instructions and uninstall any existing Sigmatel Driver first (it may have partially installed!)

Good Luck.


thanks again,
I have tried a standalone driver 'STDAUD-01108005-UN.exe' before to no avail - but again I shall try your recommended link of the 'STDAUD-01129106-UN.exe' tonite.

To Campusboy,
from what i understand of your question you cannot install XP because it does not recognise your sata hard drive during install.
To get around this i downloaded a free program called nLite ( which i have attached. and used it to add the hard-drive drivers needed for xp install.
here are the steps which i hope should work:

-load a pc,
-install nlite,
-insert your xp cd
-run nLite
-select d: drive or appropriate location of xp cd
-select a folder on c:\
-choose to add drivers and bootable cd
-import sata drivers (attached)
-let nlite do its thing
-insert a Blank cd and click burn to cd

the cd created will load up as normal but will have your sata drivers installed so xp will see your harddrive on installation.

hope this helps you.



sorry i couldnt attach nLite as it was too big.
just goto to download it :slight_smile:


Billion thanks for Sixbreast and Blencogo , you guys just save my life and I really appreciate for your helps.

After finish downgrade to Xp with proper Graphic driver and Sound driver , I still have a small problem about Sound. When I plug my headphone in , the speaker still works and I don't hear anything from the headphone. Do you think I still didn't install the Sound card driver properly or I just need to change some of the setup in Control Panel .

Once again , thank a lot for you help, you guys really save a lot of my troubles.



Hi there

Does anyone know how to fix m problems , because I still can't use my headphone with the laptop .
