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WIndows Re-installation issues...


WIndows Re-installation issues...

Hi guys...

Due to ever increasing problems with Direct X 9.0 and Service Pack 2 I have decided to reinstall Windows XP Home onto my FR415B Vaio.

The reason I am going to use Home is that I tried to install XP Pro on it when I first got it and the drivers for Function Keys etc would not work...

My question is... If I format and reinstall will I be able to download all the drivers for the hardware (ie the screen, pointing device, function keys etc)

I have lost the original recovery disk and will be reinstalling windows using a seperate copy...

Please help me!!1



Here is my problem in detail...

I installed SP2 about a week ago. It all installed correctly with no errors. For some reason my modem (I am on dial-up because my house cannot get BB) would not recognise so I uninstalled SP2. Since then when I tried to use Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 2.5 my machine would hang. It hanged when I double clicked the icon...

I reinstalled SP2 and Traktor started working again. My mate told me how to get the modem to recognise again (Control Panel > Admin Tools > System > Telephony > make it automatic)

All was good.

Then the problems started...

Every time I load a video file into Media Player or Real Player I get this error message:

'We are sorry but we have to shut down.. blah'. When I click on "details" the error message on both apps relates to something called 'dsound.dll'

Quicktime did not even load...

I uninstalled my sound drivers and reinstalled the latest version. No joy.

I ran dxdiag. Everything fine.

I checked all system files. Everything fine.

I even downloaded a copy of dsound.dll. No change.

I turned my laptop on today and miraculously it played an mpeg video in real player AND media player.

Quicktime loaded.

The big problem for me though is that I use Cubase SX2 for scoring film. It uses Quicktime and this will still not work in Cubase SX2. It does not even want to open a video window for me...

So, do I reformat, or can anyone help?


I hope she's a looker - TT has standards you know

No I don't.

Anyway, well I'm a little lost, but I'm thinking that since SP2 comes with the latest version of DirectX, it somehow got screwed up when you installed it. Downloading the .dll file by itself is a good idea but not especially likely to help.
I think what you need to do is try reinstalling DirectX, except it's a real pain to do and I can't find a way as yet of forcing an install, but I know it's possible so don't reformat just yet. I'll get back to you when I've looked it up, I have a feeling it involves deleting a few registry keys, are you ok with that?


I have no problem messing with the registry! I just want it to work again!!!


Ok I'm not one to give up quite so easily but if Google can't find it then it probably doesn't exist. The registry trick was just for older versions of Directx, I can't find a single way to actually force a total reinstallation of Directx 9.0c. Have you gone to MS's website and tried downloading the SDK version? That's all I can think of.

Otherwise I'm sorry to say me best suggestion is to go to the Microsoft forum here Look down the list on the left for the Directx forum and I'd post your problem in both audio and misc sections. Be warned, it's the worst forum in the entire world it WILL try your patience.

Be warned, it's the worst forum in the entire world it WILL try your patience

What - even worse than mvnForum (ClubVAIO)? I noticed that RC3 Service Release 1 is available, and we are still stuck on RC2 hmmm....

RC3 even fixes a lot of stupid errors in this site.
Sony : HINT HINT....

Yeah come on cu....


It's far far worse than this site. It's hard to image how it could be worse. It took me long enough to even find it.

It's far far worse than this site.

LOL - Thats a first - this site is bad enough, and an upgrade would solve many problems... Doubt Sony will bother.:smileylaugh:

Sony?!?! Who are they?
Looks like they have gone away and the tumbleweed is setting in.... wooooooo


Well since this has apparantly turned into a Sony-bashing site (I didn't do it!) did anyone see the article in the Times about overcharging in the UK compared with Europe? And guess who/what was featured, none other than a Sony A-series laptop, no less than a few hundred pounds cheaper in Spain than over here, and with slightly less difference elsewhere. And it was pretty damn overcharged to begin with judging from the price they quoted, one guess which site they grabbed THAT price from.

Interestingly enough it does occasionally go the other way, apparantly Amazon favours the Brits in the price department.