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How to open a VPCL22Z1E All In One?

Hi all,


I have an “old” VPCL22Z1E desktop, it works perfectly since two years.

Now the fan speed starts to increase slightly and sometimes it’s going up to full speed (video), which did never happen during the first year.

Cleaning the air in- and outlet from the outside doesn’t help any more. I have to clean the heat sinks inside, at the CPU and GPU, as I did with several laptops and computers already.


Now my question:

Does anybody know how to open that beautiful desktop without using brute force?


The Sony Support is disappointing, to say the least.

They don’t tell me anything, to “maintain the quality of service” ?


HELLO, this is my computer, I am the owner, when I break it - then I break it.

I live on a small island, we do not have a Sony service here, I am the only one to open it. I would have to send the computer with my data to the mainland, more than 1000km from here. I AM THE SERVICE.


I just want to carefully open the All In One without damaging the stylish plastic case.


Please, any hints? A sketch?


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