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WH-1000XM3, how to disable the bright blue led

Why does the WH-1000XM3 start blinking the very bright blue led when pausing music on a double tap on the right headphone? When you restart playing, it still blinks 6 times. When doing this in a dark room, the light is blinding. Why would I want 6 blinks to confirm I restarted playing?


What I would like is no light at all when triggering simple controls like play/pause, skip, volume. I don't even have eyes at the back of my head so why would it need to blink? It only blinds others and lits the room with no purpose. Is there no option to disable that?


(I already hear the user interaction confirmation in my ear. I'm not deaf, I wouldn't use headphones if I was. Why is the visual confirmation sent to others in the room?)

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