Cinematic pro storage


Cinematic pro storage

There any way possible when you are recording with the cinematic pro app do anyone know why the movies that you make doesn't go to your SD card. Or is there a way you can transport it to the SD card and not use your internal memory.


You actually (funninly enough) need to set the location of stored files in the NORMAL video app.

Hope that helps

Gilgamesh the first ONE and ONLY King

Hi @Rowdog99, sorry for the late reply, I had to request some additional information.

It's not possible to set an SD card as default storage in Cinema Pro, but you can move the created video using a file manager application, for example the pre-installed application called "Files".

The movie(s) are stored in DCIM/XPERIA/CINEMA_PRO.

To view the movies that are moved to the SD card, open up the Album application > tap the three lines > Videos.

Note! Files on the SD card are not available in the Cinema Pro menu in the Album app. Also, you cannot access files on the SD card from within Cinema Pro itself, which means that the file has to be moved back to the internal storage (DCIM/XPERIA/CINEMA_PRO) in case you want to access it again using the Cinema Pro application.

I hope that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face

@GilgameshUK, that sounds strange.

Are you able to save Cinema Pro recordings to the SD card if you set the data storage in the normal camera app to save photos and videos on the SD card? That should only affect photos and videos taken/recorded with the camera app, not Cinema Pro recordings.

Please let me know if videos recorded with Cinema Pro are saved on the SD card though when you set the normal camera app to save on the SD card.

Thank you and have a nice weekend!