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An excelent phone but with some issues.


An excelent phone but with some issues.

Hello, i am from spain and i´ve bought the xperia 5 three weeks ago, well at firs; it is an excellent phone, the screen is amazing (i´ve come from an galaxy s7 edge), the sound too, and the camera... well the camera i think it is good, but it needs some improvements with software update (i think), it doesnt have a good camera app, the light exposure it is too bad, why dont leave us to change it to 1 minute? or why it doesnt have a night mode or a timelapse mode.. This is very important. Another issue that i´ve seen this days is the telephoto lens when i zoom in to the max, it doesnt see good, i can see the image very pixelate and whith other camera apps doesnt appear this.

The fingerprint sensor is bad, please solve it with an update.

I think sony could have a good smartphone and sell a lot more if they talk with the users and applied new software and new apps for us like google with the pixel. I want to have solved this issues soon like other people. Thank you!


Finger print sensor 🤣 you are not the first person to complain and you will not be the first person to be ignored by Sony 🤣🤣🤣