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Lag in streaming video and shot down of Xperia 5


Lag in streaming video and shot down of Xperia 5

Hi everyone!

I have a problem during watching videos via apps like Netflix or or (these are russan local online cinemas like Netflix and the second one (okko) is an offical Sony partner). So sometimes these are lags during video playing even if file was predownloaded on phone, it is like a I see first shot and then few shots are missed and then it's next shot. So it is not a video flow but riped and splited videoplaying, like it is a problem with net or wifi but it does not depend from it becasue there is not such problem with YouTube videos at all at the same time. This problem dissapears for a while after restarting of phone, but I can't restart a device everytime to watch videos.

And the second problem - phone reboot by itself without any reason (no games or high temperature or a lot of opened apps).

Please help! 

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