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Cleaning fingerprints from SLT-A35 screen

Cleaning fingerprints from SLT-A35 screen

How can I safely clean the fingerprints from my SLT-A35 camera's LCD screen? I recently bought the camera and there is already a lot of fingerprints on the screen that I would like to have cleaned. Could I use LensPen Screenklean for safely cleaning it without damaging it? I already tried with a micro fiber cloth, but it didn't help so much and the grease is still on the LCD screen. I would also like to buy a hard plastic screen cover but I have not found any available in the stores.


Hi markojt, welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

A clean, good quality microfibre cloth should remove all fingerprints – that's what they do best. Maybe try breathing on the screen first to add a little moisture; don't wet the cloth any other way or you'll end up with a streaky mess. Wipe once, turn the coth and polish clean.

You can find the a35-compatible screen protectors on this Sony page – scroll down to near the bottom. The hard cover is listed on this page:

..but I don't see it listed on any UK-based sites :thinking: use the model number and Google it, you might be a better detective than me...

This semi-hard cover is also listed as compatible on that hyperlinked page above, even if the product page linked below doesn't list the a35 as a compatible product. I'd be very confident that this will fit (the a35 probably isn't listed due to it not being a current model) and it seems to be more readily available:

Personally, having used both, I prefer the soft film-like ones (PCK-LS1EM) that create an airtight seal over the screen. Hard covers look like a good idea, but there's always a space between the cover and the screen. If you're as careless with these things as I am, dust & crud gets in between the two, gets crushed and can become permanently etched on the screen.

Let me know if you need any further help.


Thank you for the answer.

What I finally did was that I bought a LensPen DigiKlear cleaning pen and used it to clean the fingerprints and grease away. Initially I tried to clean the LCD screen of the camera with tissues made for cleaning computer screens, but they didn't work that well.

With this LensPen DigiKlear I got all fingerprints away and after using this pen I used a microfiber cloth to clean small amount of the compound that was left of the LCD screen from the pen.

Good to hear you found a solution.

I would just add that the pen you used should probably be reserved for when the sreen is really dirty. You should use a micro fibre cloth everyday to keep the screen clean of fingerprints. I'd be wary of using a chemical-based cleaner too often, as it might have an adverse effect on the special coatings used on some camera screens.

It may be that it's absolutely fine to use the pen regularly, I just feel it's worth mentioning as a precautionary note :cool:

