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Full-time Live Preview...


Full-time Live Preview...

This has become a 'Can't do without' feature of my antique DSC-R1.

Sony: Is there any possibility that it could be a viewfinder mode on your top-end mirrorless cameras again?


Hi hwVHpXXl,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..


You have live view up until the point you take the photo when there is a short inturuption during the image processing..

I believe the processing lag has been improved on the new a6300 maybe take a look at that model..


That's the problem. They are not Full-time.

I am not an electronics expert but I think what my R1 does is that the output from the processor is switched 'Full-time' towards the EVF viewfinder. Only when I press the shutter button does it route the processor output to the memory card. As a result what I see is what I get!

The system makes no attempt to show me what the sensor is seeing through the lens. Modern EVFs seem to be obsessed with trying to compete with optical viewfinders. To me this is totally irrelevant - having what I see 'interpreted' before it is written to the memory card.

My 'workflow' is having spot metering and zebra overexposure set. Then I can pan the camera round the scene until I get exactly the exposure I want , lock the exposure, recompose and take the shot. No need to review - wisiwig.

Of course this is limited by the 10-year old EVF and limited exposure latitude of the 10-year old APS sensor. It would be wonderful if this Full-time Live Preview could be incorporated in a modern camera.


I'll happily pass your comments on to design team within Sony but unfortunately we don't usually get feedback on wether they will implement any requests..


Thank you. I will keep my fingers crossed!

Problem is that the only reviewer of the DSC-R1 who picked up on this feature was on Dec 6, 2005: "* First large format sensor to provide full-time live preview". Look at 7. Displays, Shooting mode display. The 2nd row down right-hand picture is a good example - if I had to take such a scene I would move the metering spot over a zebra area then the picture would darken appropriately; click and that darker picture would be written to the memory card; no 'interpretation'. Move the spot over that darker icon/symbol at top right and the picture would brighten appropriately; click and that brighter picture would be written, no 'interpretation'. It is very sensitive and so moving the spot round the scene one can fine-tune the exposure exactly; no button pressing or ***** turning needed unless I was going to run out of ISO/aperture/shutter speed.

It was some time before I cottoned on to this. (Also notable is the R1's very precise and accurate (if slow!) autofocusing - though this may be helped by its fixed lens).


Thanks for the link & examples, as the say a picture paints a thousand words, passed the info on..