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Hi everybody
I have two issues with my camera regards video recording and play back and hope some one out there can help,
1. When recording and viewing through rear screen the two green channel bars appear along with REC displayed.and the image being recorded, if I move to view through eyepiece all I see are the Image and REC there are no green channels displayed this is confusing as I am sure? they where there when I last used the eye Piece.
With both options the camera records the scene which is captured on memory card.
2. I down load the video through Play Memories Home and locate them to my external hard drive, this seems to take a longer time than normal.
When playing back video file in play memories home it Judders through its length also randomly the audio will play but image stays static.
If I try to play the video from the external hard drive as normal in microsoft picture I recieve a message cant play try again with error code Ox80070017.
A video that displayed this condition I uploaded to facebook and it played perfectly?
As a check I have played earlier videos from the hard drive and they play perfectly so that seems to reduce the possibility it could be Microsoft Picture app?
As you can gather I am not a wizard on computers and for this to happen any help would be of great assistance before I press the Reset buttons also a answer on the viewfinder display regards the green channels not being there when recording (or is it just me)
The hard drive has 407 GB used and 291 GB available.
I love this camera and the results, it uses a F4 18-105 G lens and is a great combination and never removed.
Regards Peter
Hello @periddi,
@periddi schrieb:
1. When recording and viewing through rear screen the two green channel bars appear along with REC displayed.and the image being recorded, if I move to view through eyepiece all I see are the Image and REC there are no green channels displayed this is confusing as I am sure? they where there when I last used the eye Piece.
Try pressing the "Display"-button to cycle trough the different overlays.
@periddi schrieb:
2. I down load the video through Play Memories Home and locate them to my external hard drive, this seems to take a longer time than normal.
When playing back video file in play memories home it Judders through its length also randomly the audio will play but image stays static.
The videos the camera records are probably too high quality for the bandwidth your usb-port where you have your harddrive connects to supports.
Try using an internal harddrive to store your videos. If the problem persists, your computers hardware is too weak to decode the video in real time.
Programs like "Handbrake" can help you to re-encode the video into a lower quality to ensure smooth playback on weak computer hardware.
@periddi schrieb:
If I try to play the video from the external hard drive as normal in microsoft picture I recieve a message cant play try again with error code Ox80070017.
A video that displayed this condition I uploaded to facebook and it played perfectly?
As a check I have played earlier videos from the hard drive and they play perfectly so that seems to reduce the possibility it could be Microsoft Picture app?
It can be, that the Microsoft Picture App does not support the video codec the a6300 records the video in. VLC should play the videos just as well as PlayMemories Home.
Facebook (or YouTube) re-encode the videos after upload to have one common ground to ensure playback all over the web, no matter the browser or playback device.
- Nic
Issue 1 through viewfinder you are correct with advice it was operator error I possibly caught Dial when loading camera into bag when still switched on.
Issue 2 Downloaded video to Hard drive and played no issues as you advised so camera to computer is ok, next step I swopped to another external hard drive downloaded video and played no issues.
I did notice on the old external drive it was very chunky when downloading so it looks like ext harddrive issues will save all data then try again from a clean ext drive or take a hammer to it
Thanks for your advice appreciated
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