Audio Optical Output Problem

Audio Optical Output Problem

Hi I have a 65" TV, model number KDL65X8509CB and when I press power button to turn OFF tv ( Tv comes on stand by), I would still have the optical fiber ON, on my sound system. Can you please tell me a solution on what can I do to turn this OFF because I cannot use the sound system on another device as it is still receiving a signal from the TV. ( I have Bose Cinemate GS series 2) The only time I managed to turn the fiber Optic OFF completely, is when I held the power button pressed for 5 seconds and the Tv turns OFF, but then it would then automatically turn on. ( So this is another problrm with my TV) I checked all settings required to keep the TV OFF but it still kept on turning itself ON. 
Ie; I checked the Bravia sync settings and made Auto TV power On to OFF.  TV is also updated to the latest firmware version, and also trid to make fatory reset but everything remained the same.
Also checked the timer and made it to off. 
I hope someone can assist me with this issue because its really frustrating that the optical output stays ON, and cannot use the sound sytem with other devices.



There's nothing you can do on the TV. It's like that on all of them. And that is not the problem since optical signal doesn't have the capabilty to control anything. Your problem is Bose limitation because it has just one input, sure, you can use optical/digital or analogue but it is stil the same input. It's not intended to be used for anything other than the TV so if you want to use those RCA inputs you'll have to unplug optical.