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Why do I have a different version of ITV hub on my Sony Bravas TV?   It offers fewer programs than the version on my ipad.


Should add I have a Sony BRAVIA KD49X8305C. On which I can’t watch “Strangers” on catch up even though I can watch on my iPad and even on ITV hub on my Panasonic TV elsewhere in my house.  All very frustrating. Peter

Hi Peter,


Welcome to the Sony Community! I understand your point. From a user perspective it makes a lot of sense to offer the same experience across all different devices. I believe the reason behind this is the fact that the solution offered to users is provided by different parties across different devices. But I could be wrong on this. I believe the true master that knows it all is our colleague @royabrown. Perhaps he could take a minute to shed some light to this for all of us.


At the mean time fortunately you do posses other devices which offer the programmes you demand, so I suppose you could connect those to your TV directly and still enjoy them on your TV.




Blush, and respect to you, @dutchice


I think all the ITV Hub apps are written by ITV themselves, but they need to be different on different devices, as the underlying hardware, and often the base software layer, are different from device to device.


And I would also imagine that the rate of refreshing them is different, as new features are introduced, and have to be rolled out in new releases across all the different models.


Having said that, YouView have a high rate of uniformity in the ITV Hub app they offer, as it talks to the hardware via the YouView layer, which takes care of a lot of the differences from model year to model year on these Sony TVs, and the only big split was 2K versus 4K in 2015.


But I don’t know if there were any later 2K Android sets?


However, one big difference in the YouView ITV Hub is that it cares where you are, as evinced by the TV Region your ITV is tuned to, for which YouView on the TV must have been tuned in from an aerial, at least in the past even if you don’t have an aerial connected at present.


Once tuned though, the regional thing mostly does not matter (it is just used to play you regionally-targeted ads) unless you are in Scotland, where certain programmes are only available on the STV Player, not the ITV one.


Could this apply here, @PeterDawson?


If not, a second consideration is that YouView rely on the broadcasters to tell them what is and isn’t available, so it is possible ‘Strangers’ was accidentally excluded. Though it is fine on my YouView box here, maybe the TVs have a different feed?


My Sony Android TV isn’t available to me here at present, though I should be able to check Monday, or perhaps @dutchice will kindly see if he can get Strangers on his Android TV ITV Hub. But it is certainly available, no trouble, on my YouView box and on this iPad; as you said, it is fine on other devices.


If you can confirm this isn’t a regional thing though, or that it is but you still can’t get it on the STV Player - in which case all of the above may be good background, but it isn’t the answer - I can ask YouView if they have any explanation for this, if you would like.


For which I think they will want to know how, exactly, you can’t get Strangers; is it simply not offered on the Search, or is it offered, but won’t play?



YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking

Hi PeterDawson,


Maybe this will sound a bit too obvious but have you tried contacting YouView? I believe they should be able to answer your question


