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KD-65XE9005 You-view disable

KD-65XE9005 You-view disable

All I want to do is play itv hub and I can’t because of this you view app I don’t have an aerial can’t I just use the app like on any other device? Seems ridiculous that can’t be done I’ve updated to latest software so the disable function is not there 




Are you sure you can’t disable YouView? The process is (or used to be, if you are correct):-


  1. Press [Home] button on the remote control
  2. Go to 'Settings'
  3. Go to 'Channel Setup'
  4. Go to 'YouView Setup'
  5. Select 'Disable YouView'
  6. Select 'Yes' to confirm

So at which step does this now fail?


But it still won’t get you anywhere 😢


You need YouView enabled to get the itv Player, and the Player needs to know your TV region in order to work, and you need to have tuned the TV with an aerial in order to establish the TV region. (Though you don’t need to keep the aerial connected once this is done).


Get a Roku Stick, very inexpensive, watch the catchup Players on that, get lots of other Apps these TVs don’t have, bypass all this nonsense.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

If you can tune the Tv in once, you can then sideload the app and not go via youview

You could try sideload without tuning the tv in case it works, though I think I've read it still needs to have been done.

Hoshsadiq on github has the apps