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My Bravia (KDL-50W755c) stuck on the input screen, remote not responding


My Bravia (KDL-50W755c) stuck on the input screen, remote not responding

Hi, I'm experiencing some issues with ma brand new Bravia (KDL-50W755c). if the tv have been turned off for while it stuck on the input screen when turned on and neither the remote nor the buttons on the back are responding. The only way to bypass the input screen is by using the smartphone android app with the remote tool or by removing the power connector. No device is connected to the tv by the way. 

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Hi there


Once you have your TV up and running and the use of the remote control, can you try rebooting Android itself.  Press and hold the power button on the remote for about 6 to 10 seconds and the TV should reboot. 


If that doesnt work, can you please do a factory reset, as this can cure many issues.  Instructions HERE.




Hi, thanks for your reply. I did an Adnroid reboot and a factory reset yesterday. Unfortunatly the issue still persists. This morning, when turned on, the TV shows a moving slideshow and the time but still not responding to remote controls, same for the butons on the back. To get the controls work again I had to unplug then plug the power cord several times. I noticed that the problem occurs when the TV has been shut down for a long period, like a few hours last night. Is that any kind of hardware issue ??    

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Hi there


Before i pass this to Sony can you see if it works OK with everything unplugged and disconnected - leaving only the power plug connected?  Please unplug all HDMI cables, usb drives even the aerial cable and then test?




hi, sorry I've been busy. So here is the situation so far. This morning the tv turned on normally. Last night I changed the Auto Shut-Off value from 4h to 1h and this morning the tv start the same way as reseted showing first the Android logo than Sony, and no issue from there. I'll do another test tonight and see what happen. When I faced the issues though, everything was already disconnected from the tv.

Issue confirmed:/ It happen again. As always I had to use my phone to restart the tv and get the remote controls back. It's really weird and annoying. I don't think it's hardware issue, the tv still work great with my phone as a remote when the real remote don't work. So may be some software update can do the trick. Anyway, do I have to use warranty ?

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Hi there


As its a brand new tv, my advice is to contact your retailer and get them to exchange it.  Might be the quickest solution to be honest.

