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From 05.2016 a have Sony TV (805c).Until now the TV was great.Last knight during watching youtube i heard strange sound and the tv turns off.During inspection i discovered that the adaptor is not working,i have opened the adaptor and inside is a mess.My friend is electronic says that maybe the TV is dameged.
What have coused that problem?
A dont have another adaptor to see iff the TV is broken or is not.
Is any one have this problem?
Hi there,
This sounds like a hardware issue. You can check here for advice about repair.
Best wishes,
Only the adaptor is broken,i try with another adaptor and the TV is working exelent.I have order new adaptor,but now the adaptor for my TV is model ACDP-120E03,old one was ACDP-100D01.
Hi. Where did you buy your adaptor from?