Sony KDL-50W805C Backlight Problem


Sony KDL-50W805C Backlight Problem

hi, i'm having abit of a problem with my TV

i have the backlight set pretty low because i view the TV in a dark room, i have the backlight set at 10 but it changes the brightness of the backlight seemingly whenever it feels like it making the TV much brighter and i can't make it go back and because i'm in a dark room this causes eye strain and headaches


i have the light sensor switched off, eco modes switched off, advanced contrast enhancer switched off, black adjust switched off

the only thing i have on is live colour set to medium switching it off doesn't fix the issue


this is starting to become a pretty serious issue rendering my TV almost unusable, does anybody have any ideas on what i can do to fix it?

Not applicable

HI there


If you got all of the additional processing switched off - Im not sure that I can suggest anything else that will help.  Before I pass this to Sony Support - Can you confirm that you have the latest firmware installed and have done a factory reset.  Reason I suggest a factory reset is that it can cure many weird issues.  Also, its one of the first things Sony Support will suggest anyhow.





This could be a hardware issue.

Light Sensor IC, harness, board component or board.

Do you have any led blinking indication ?


i am running the latest firmware i dont recall this happening prior to that firmware update though

i did a factory reset a while ago and it did fix the problem for a little while and then it started happening again


it might be a hardware issue but i dont think so

the TV can be fine for hours on end and then all of a sudden it will just brighten up, also a little while ago i did a factory reset and the issue went away for weeks and then just suddenly started happening again which leads me to believe it's something wrong with the software


i haven't had any LED blinking

Not applicable

HI there


I have escalated this thread to Sony Support - they should be in contact with you in the next 1-2 working days.  Please reply back and let us know how you got on.





Daylight go to :


  • Scroll down, find TestChart.jpg , download picture and place in a USB flash.
  • Insert USB on TV and open this stable image on your display with Album from Sda1.
  • Go to ACTION MENU select Picture and set Light sensor to On.
  • Notice the white colour brightness around picture.

Get a piece og black cloth and place this under your LIGHT SENSOR. Cover all part under SONY sign


and hold this for more than 10 seconds.

  • Check the new brightness decreasing.
  • Remove cloth and check brightness increasing for more than 10 seconds.


If above works your Hardware is OK..

This should be wise to check when your issue appears, because some times a semi-dead IC component might work ok for some period but after a while because of voltage or temperature is not working properly.




thanks for that

i followed all the steps and my backlight did indeed decrease and increase