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v3865 Missing Automatic Time Zone Adjustment

v3865 Missing Automatic Time Zone Adjustment

After Marshmallow Update, Automatic Time Zone adjustment is "missing" from Settings - Date & Time -Time.


The option is always fade and always set to Off. Cannot be adjusted on whatever setting the Automatic date and time is (Use broadcast time or Use network time or Off)






There is also a Generic Set time zone GMT+3:00, Eastern European Time. Almost all big Cities are missing. Strangely every time that Set time zone is selected the first available option is Midway GMT-11:00 and not present one:





This possibly causes many problems on Digital and Satellite Live TV Information and Guide.




Selecting as System Language the English one, my city Athens exists in Set time zone. Selecting as System Language my Greek one, then my city Athens does not exist :laughing:  :laughing:



Not applicable

Hi MiCal1967


I think there must be another setting at play on your TV. 


For example, my "Automatic date & time" is set to "Use broadcast time".  Going into the Time settings area, I can set "Automatic time zone" to "ON" or "Off" - it is not greyed out.


I can confirm that "Midway" is the first option when setting the Time zone.  However if you look, it is GMT -11:00 and then counts backwards, GMT-10:00, GMT-8:00 then eventually it gets into GMT + values


I was going to test to see if Athens is on when system language is set to greek, but I am unsure on which one it is.  When the language is not in english characters, I am not sure whether its russian, greek, or whatever they are.  Its all Greek to me :grin:

Hi Quinnicus


Thanks for support.


This is when System language is set to English:




and this is when System language is set to Greek:




Translation is Eastern European Summer Time.

Athens is nowhere!!! Also Istanbul is nowhere. I believe that Turkey has same issue.

Automatic time zone remains fade even if English is selected.

About Midway, I think this did not happen in the past. Once Time zone was stored then accessing again showed straight the previously selected and stored time zone