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XBox One X and KD-75XE9005

XBox One X and KD-75XE9005


I have the following configuration of the system:

XBox One X connected to
Sony KD-75XE9005 via HDMI2 and

Onkyo TX-NR809 connected to TV via HDMI3(ARC)

Now,  I can't configure this system to get 4K and 7.1 bitstream audio. I always get error 0x80bd0009 on automatic settings. I was trying to follow this solution however it didn't work. To be precise I cannot set HDMI manually to get 4K on XBox One. From what I've read in internet it seems to be TV issue connected to EDID. Does anybody have the same issue and have solution?





I am afraid your Onkyo doesn't support HDMI 4K passthorugh, only upscaling. So at least they say in the AV forum. And HDMI (2.0) ARC does not support 7.1 channels. Unless the AVR has got a FW  that fixes it you may consider the option to buy an HDMI splitter. I never tried one myself, but I suppose that with it the XBox One X would happily send the 4K/HDR signal to the TV from one port, and the Bitstream 7.1 audio to the AVR from the other.