Sony xperia c3 suddenly died


Sony xperia c3 suddenly died

Tolong bantu, hape sony saya kondisi menyala dan batrai posisi 53% tiba2 mati dan tidak bisa dinyalakan, sdh sy cob charges tp hanya keluar lampu merah sebentar kemudian mati dan tidak ada respone, sdh sy pkai charges lain tetap seperti itu, smw kartu dan memory jg sdh sy lepas smp skrng msh mati, tolong bantuannya

Please help, my Sony cellphone is on and the position is 53% suddenly turned off and cannot be turned on, already I tried the charges but only came out a red light and then died and there is no respone, so I have other charges fixed like that, smw card and memory I have also released it, now it's still dead, please he
