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The shutter on my camcorder is stuck open


The shutter on my camcorder is stuck open

The shutter on my camcorder HDR-SR12E has stuck open after a holiday in Spain. I did not discover this until I tried to download my video to my computer. Until the shutter closes I cannot download. Any suggestions as to how to free it?


Accepted Solutions

Hello to you both :slight_smile:

I thought I would just add that if the camera is less than 12 months old and it is a mechanical fault (i.e. not something caused by accidental damage) then it may be eligible for a repair under warranty:

This link will give you all the information that you need. If it is under warranty I would always advise giving them a call before trying any kind of self-repair, even a minor one like the procedure helpfully described by kimandsue. Even if it is not under warranty, the helpline can suggest other ways of trying to rectify the problem without the need for a costly repair.

On the other hand, if kimandsue's method has worked then that's fantastic as well :laughing:



View solution in original post


Hi I had the same problem with my CX550 I think mine was caused by dust. I used a pair of VERY FINE  tweezers and VERY gently grabbed it (with the camera in the off mode) and pulled it closed. I have never had any further problems, and have used the camcorder hundreds of times since. I didn't realise you could'nt download video in the open position. I guess stroking it closed with an artist's paint brush might also work and be more gentle, but I had a pair of very fine tweezers to hand.

Kind regards Kim

Hello to you both :slight_smile:

I thought I would just add that if the camera is less than 12 months old and it is a mechanical fault (i.e. not something caused by accidental damage) then it may be eligible for a repair under warranty:

This link will give you all the information that you need. If it is under warranty I would always advise giving them a call before trying any kind of self-repair, even a minor one like the procedure helpfully described by kimandsue. Even if it is not under warranty, the helpline can suggest other ways of trying to rectify the problem without the need for a costly repair.

On the other hand, if kimandsue's method has worked then that's fantastic as well :laughing:



k im an electronics tech here and i made this account just to type here what i done for mine handycam with the same 'shutter wont close' now if you hear clicking and if you look at the front of the lends you can see the shutter trying to close, you may be just lucky that you can use a very fine precesionset flat screwdriver, now place the camera onto something (i just used my bench) with the lends facing up, get to know your ON/OFF mechanisim switch to be able to do this, turn the cam on and then back off, focus your attention to the lends cover place, if the camera is facing up and the bottom faceing your chesh (again i am using a bench and standing up) the covers SWING shut, the one on the right swings to the left and the left swings to the right, ok now you need to be quick and somewhat gental with the precision screwdriver, turn the cam on then off, focus to the lends of the camera and you can use the precision screwdriver to catch the right one on the bottom (thats facing your chest) and help it swing to the right, now if the right dont come out enought then try the left but it swings on the top of the lends swinging to the right, you can try that one, i also used caned air to clean out any dry dirt then i use contact cleaner, not just tho, just a squirt spray using a tube to direct the spray down the spout, now after if this works for you, i suggest using a can of spay foam BONAMI its simply the best to clean windows and dirt off of anything, nothing and i say nothing that i am aware of will do a better job, now use some q tips (they are gentle and absorbs enought) quick squirt of bonami onto the q tip then wipe the lens clean, do this 3 times and bobz your uncle, you should have a working cam again, try it out, turn on the cam and turn it off a few times to work that dirt or what ever was causing the jam, remember it dont take much for the shutters not to close. hope this works for you as i did enought typing for the day, have a good one.