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Camera for fast moving objects. HELP!


Camera for fast moving objects. HELP!

Hi there. I am looking to buy a camera for mainly motor racing events, Formula 1, Touring cars and other things such as concerts and stuff.


I am an ammature photographer, well i wouldnt call my self a photographer at all, i just like to take pictures of events i take part in lol.


Anyway, i am looking for some advice, i currently use a samsung digital camera WB30F. I am looking to upgrade, i saw this :


HX300 Digital compact camera


on the sony sight, it says its got 50x zoom, and that it brings professional quality for amature users.


Would this kind of camera be suitable for fast moving objects? to capture the picture without blur? and easy to use?


If not, could anyone recomend a camera suitable.


Thanks in advance for your time.