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losing notes made on PRS T1 when syncing

losing notes made on PRS T1 when syncing


I realized a few days ago that I am losing my notes and bookmarks made on the e-reader each time I sync my e-reader with Reader for PC. The checkbox "copy my notes to PC" was ticked, I unticked it, ticked it again, without any effect. I tried to reinstall Reader for PC, format the memory of my e-reader, soft reset my e-reader, delete books.db, delete notepads.db, but could not solve the problem. I know that the solution is to give up Reader for PC, but still I find it very frustrating not to be able to use my e-reader with the dedicated software. Any solution to sync my e-reader with Reader for PC without loosing my notes ? Thanks for your help.


I found the answer.

The trick is to never untick the "books" box in the left hand side column of the Reader for PC (sync settings), section "reader", sub-section "synchronise". I was naive enough to believe that syncing only the collections would be enough. I must say this software is extremely non intuitive (we might call it a trap !)

If you incidentally untick that box, then you might lose your notes, whatever you do next.

However, you can limit losses by doing as follows as soon as you realize that that box is unchecked and/or that your notes are disappearing, but first you have to make sure that what you haven't lost yet is properly backed-up otherwise you risk losing more data:

1. while connected tick again the "books" box in the left hand side column of the Reader for PC (sync settings), section "reader", sub-section "synchronise";

2. disconnect your e-reader from your PC;

3. make sure you have properly backed up what could still be backed up

4. format your e-reader memory (WARNING : make sure you have properly backed up what could still be backed up; I personally left my Reader for PC library untouched so that I could then synchronize again)

5. sync your e-reader with Reader for PC.

At this stage, you'll have on your e-reader all the books from you Reader for PC library as well as the latest notes that it had synchronized before the "books" box was unticked.

Thanks again to Sony for providing us with such a problematic software. Without this software problems, the PRS T1 would be just perfect.

alternatively use noteworks, s.