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prs-t1 page freeze; loading arrows turn indefinitely

prs-t1 page freeze; loading arrows turn indefinitely

Hi. I couldn't find a similar issue so I decided to post it.  My  screen freezes while I'm reading.  The page would not turn.  Swiping  again brought on the loading indicator (circular arrows) but the reader  did not load.  The arrows just went round and round indefinitely.   Pressing the power switch for 3 seconds did not turn off the reader; it  just added a black screen (similar to page refresh) that alternated with  the arrows.  So, flicker to black screen then arrows go round,  indefinitely again.

I have the reader since December 2011.  This had  happened once before in February and the second time today.  I had to do  a soft reset both times and it solved the problem except that the first  time I could not open some books so I had to reload them.  The books  seem fine today but I haven't tried opening all of them yet.

My firmware version is and I still have 1.31GB free space. I don't have a microsd on slot.  Has anybody encountered the same problem?  I bought my reader from a Sony store and I'm wondering if I should have this replaced after this second freeze.  Would appreciates your thoughts on this.


Hello Loeobs - I had the same loading arrows "freeze" but a soft reset sorted things.

The remaining thing you can try is a hard reset - but you will lose all content, so make sure you have anything you want to reload again, saved. They should be on Reader .

As a belt and braces, Calibre is a good idea.

Procedures in the manual.

Let us know if that sorts it.

Message was edited by: carpetmojo

Message was edited by: carpetmojo