
Order not delivered

Has anyone had experience of placing an order and not having it delivered? At the same time an item destined for someone else was delivered instead (it had both my address label and the address label for the other person on the package). 


I recently ordered a New 4K TV with sound bar which was due to be delivered Wed 3rd June but has not arrived, depite numerous phone calls and emails sent, all to no evail. 


Copy of the latest email I received from Sony support...


"Thank you for contacting Sony store online, We do apologize for any inconvenient happened  in the delivery process we are working on your dispute and we will contact you soon for updates.

Sony store online team"


Hi sonyruss1972,

@jumpsuit has already replied to your previous post HERE..


please try try not to post duplicate posts as this can cause confusion & waste people's time..:smileywink:


Sorry, but how exactly am I wasting people's time? Rather, it's Sony customer support who are wasting my time, which I wouldn't even be posting this if my order had been delivered when scheduled.


At no point have Sony directly contacted me to either apologise or explain what has gone wrong and what they intend to do to resolve the issue.