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PlayMemories not listing videos!


PlayMemories not listing videos!

I use PlayMemories to upload my video files from my handycam (HDR-CX115E) - no problems..

However I recently changed my PC to one using windows 8.1 and set PlayMemories scanning my old video folders on an external drive.

PlayMemories, does not list any of the video files from my handycam.

The files are .m2ts which I understand to be MPEG-2 video stream. I can play them and use them in my video editor but PlayMemories does not recognise them.    It does recognise still images and avi files.

Silly! Sony provide software that does not recognise their own video files!


My trivial complaint compared to others in the forum, has been surpassed by the realisation that Sony are so bad at customer relations.

I have been loyal to Sony for over 30 years for all home electronics but having spent hours just finding this forum and read all the problems of getting a responce from Sony, I am not convinced I will stay with them.

PS. I no longer expect any representative of Sony to respond, never mind help!








Hi mikewardle and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:

I just wanted to say that Sony won't reply to you here as this is a User / Fan based forum where other members  try and help if someone is having trouble with something.


Is having the files 'acknowledged' in Playmemories important if you can still open / view the films in other software?

(e.g. I use vlc to watch everything.)

If it is important then why not convert the .m2ts files to avi etc. and then Playmemories should pick them up.



Many thanks for your reply but conversion to .avi is not really practical.
I have 2850 files in 144 folders amounting to over 100GB.

Even Picasa does not list m2ts files.

Fortunately I have the files grouped in folders so will just have to use File Explorer to help with selection.

Kind regards

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No worries, at least you can access / use the files.:smileyhappy:

Yes - it would be a little time consuming converting all that data  :wink: