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Sony HDR AS15 Ver 3 firmware. Don't do it


Sony HDR AS15 Ver 3 firmware. Don't do it

In all good faith I did the version 3.0 firmware upgrade on my HDR AS15 to lengthen the auto off to 60 seconds as the previous 10 second auto off was too short. On competing the upgrade I realised to my horror that the Sony Techies have taken away the SEND fuction from the camera, which now means I can't review my footage with Playmemories Mobile any more, making checking of footage on a trail, impossible unless you lug up your laptop, or buy the screen jacket. Why have they stolen the function from this camera as the other models appear to retained it. This coupled with the dreaded battery movement which disrupts the camera and footage if you hit a bump, makes me wish I had gone GoPro, rather than staying loyal to Sony. Thankfully some nice Youtuber suggested using a cut drinking straw to fix the battery issue, but the firmware is a totally different matter. I now have a 75% HDR AS15, which I am now asking Sony to sort. :devil:


Hi iscajon,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..:smileyhappy:


I have just check the firmware update page & it does state:-



There is also a HDR AS15 guide on the changes pdf explaining the functions provided/changed by this firmware update, and how to operate them.

Copy mode.JPG


However I will pass on your comments to one of my contacts within Sony, if I receive any feedback I'll update this thread..


Sorry your answer is not acceptable. It would be like the manufacturer of your car taking the reverse gear away, because they thought you didn't need it when you took it in for the next service without your permission.
Sony have changed,?sustainably the function of the camera without the option to revert back to the functions I bought the camera for. I feel that you have conned into buying a camera?that you have remotely taken functionality from after I have purchased it.
Please can you escalate this issue as I feel??cheated and my opinion of Sony products is at an all time line.
I am making contact BBC Watch dog and Channel 5 Gadget show to tell them of?Sony's new policy of taking rather than giving more on a firmware up grade.
Could I also suggest you remove your video of the HDR AS15 doing exactly what it can't do now on your web site

A very disgruntled Sony owner?

@iscajon wrote:
Sorry your answer is not acceptable. It would be like the manufacturer of your car taking the reverse gear away, because they thought you didn't need it when you took it in for the next service without your permission.

I'm sorry you feel my answer is not acceptable, if you want an official response from Sony then you'll need to contact Sony support directly, this is a user forum where users help each other..

@iscajon wrote:
Please can you escalate this issue as I feel??cheated and my opinion of Sony products is at an all time line.

As I mentioned above I have passed your comments on to one of my contacts at Sony and if I receive a reply I'll update this thread..

I would say there is some confusion here. I am not at home to check what firmware I am running on mine but 99.99% sure I am already on v3 since I do not have the option of SEND also.


I can however copy from my AS15 no problem. In video or time lapse shooting mode, if I bring up the menu on my Xperia and select, [See in-camera settings] I can then pick what I want to copy just like I could when using the send option.


I think what has happened is, people fed back that they didnt want to disconnet and reconnect when switching to the send mode on the AS15 and the new operation is more simpler. I can do a simple video when I am home later?

Hi Watashiwateshdes..

I think you are right, the image that I took from the HDR AS15 guide on the changes pdf, that for some reason did not appear, sort of explained the copy option..


Thanks Watashiwateshdes

That's answered where the function has gone. Fancy sticking it in the 'Settings section' and not on the main screen of Playmemories mobile, they've done the equivalent of taking the reverse gear off the gear stick (shifter) and putting it in the tool kit in the Boot (trunk).
I wish they would give use the ability to review the MP4 via wifi from a smartphone with out the need to copy the full 2 gig file (20 minute ride)?into the phone before you can review it.

Thanks again

Glad you have been able to find the reverse gear again iscajon..:smileythumbsup:

Although I do think this could have been better explained on both the Firmware Update page & in the HDR AS15 guide on the changes pdf though..

I do agree, it is an unusual way that it seems somewhat hidden but I like the new change since my phone would constantly switch back to my home network when changing modes and result in an error causing me to have to manually change networks again.


I think the main thing is how it has been now worded via the menu itself. As for streaming direct from the action cam, Ive seen that the new mini Action Cam has this feature but not sure if it will be a backward compatible option that they would give users in the future. I can only suspect that the earlier models have only a basic wifi protocal whereas newer versions may have more fancy trickery but we never know. :slight_smile: