My BDP-s470 is connected to a Pioneer VSX-921-K
I've had trouble lately that it only sends the stereo sound to my receiver.
Specially when I play 3D blu-ray.
Also when I play other stuff I have to unplug the HDMI plug while the movie is playing and then it works very fine. Thoug with 3D nothing works.
I've tried all ports on the reciever... no luck
I also have a PS3 that supports 3D, and that works absolutely perfect on everything, 3D, normal Bluray, DVD's And the reciever picks up what sounds to send to my speakers!
So then my Reciever is not a part of the problem. something makes the BDP-s470 not to like playing surround.
I've read other forums and some said that had problems when they had it connected to a Onkyo Reciever. my old reciever was a Onkyo and was changed with my new Pioneer this christmas!
could that have made problems.
then a Hard Reset should be fixing any software errors that probably is causing this...
but there is non in Chat support that wants to tell me how to!
anyone knows?
plz Help!