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Netflix launched in UK - Will it be added to BluRay players?

Netflix launched in UK - Will it be added to BluRay players?

Netflix has just launched in the UK this morning, will the Bluray players with 'internet tv' be updated to support this like they are with Love Film?

Also, how about adding ITV Player and 4OD? Pretty certain ITV Player is available on PS3 but not on the Sony BD players.



I have two Bravia televisions already, at least one of which offered a software update just the other evening, but no sign of Netflix.

I'm in the market for additional kit (another television and blu ray) in the next 4 weeks but it has to have Netflix so I think I'll be looking at other manufacturers.

Can somebody from Sony please respond to this Sony even read these messages?

:smileywink:Hi SonyLegend.

This is a Community User Forum where Users like you and me come for help, and to give help to other Users.

The answer to your last question is "NO".  Sony do not regularly monitor discussions here and seldom reply on new products and services before they are officially announced. Occasionally Sony Staff may come here in their own time and contribute if they can but this is voluntary and you cannot rely on their regular input.  There is one discussion here that you may wish to keep an eye on which gives the latest available information and may be monitored: -

I suspect this issue, like many involving digital rights, is far more complex than we think and if you want an individual  reply from Sony, contact an official Support  Area by Clicking on 'Support' at the top of this page and choosing the 'Contact Us' option.


I am really hacked off about this. Just bought BDP-S390 as it has internal wifi, no dongle needed! I am certain in the details supplied by argos it said it had netflix on it. Once set-up realised it didn't. Everything else is good, but noticed demand 5 doesn't have all the same programming as the ipad app!

If I had know all of this I would have got the Samsung device and a dongle instead - feeling a little cheated!

When will Sony sort Ntflix etc out?

Having spoken to someone quite high up in Sony's UK development team he has confirmed that the S390 WILL be getting Netflix.

The main issue is that for the UK Netflix decided to use  Microsoft's PlayReady DRM (there's a lot of UK-specific content so ITV, Ch4 etc demanded DRM was used). Decoding PlayReady is very CPU intensive and so many older devices simply don't have the processing power to play Netflix videos. This is why the PS3 has Netflix - it's a games console so have the extra computing power.

Sadly 2011 models will not be getting Netflix. However, all 2012 models WILL be getting Netflix - it is planned to be around May that the update will be released to include Netflix.

In the meantime I'm watching Netflix via my Wii - only SD but still very watchable.


PS - I've looked at the Argos page for the S390 and owhere does it mention Netflix?! It doesn't even mention YouTube, LoveFilm or iPlayer etc...

That sounds like good news. Thank you for that info MaFT