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SVR-HDT1000 losing TV connection

SVR-HDT1000 losing TV connection

Bought at the end of August 2011 this SONY pvr has always disappointed with its slow boot and sudden leaps in volume when swapping from another HDMI  port to that used by the pvr.  Recently however, it has begun to behave infuriatingly becoming very unreliable.

What happens - intermittently:

1. SVR-HDT1000 hangs when switched on with the pulsing light simply going on and on without fully booting the pvr.  A press of the reset button eventually returns the pvr to a normal, functioning state.

2. With pvr switched ON, the TV (KDL37EX524BU Bravia) shows a black screen.  Exploring the setup and System options reveals that the TV cannot find an HDMI connection to the pvr.  Pressing RESET cures this too.

What have I done? 

I have replaced the HDMI cable with another one and that has no affect whatsoever on this annoying problem.

I have swapped over the HDMI ports so that the SONY pvr is now using a different one. (Swapped equipment on HDMI 1 with HDMI 3)

I have checked software and the pvr is running the current software version.

I have tried rebooting from a mains/transformer power supply "off" state.  That does cure the individual lock-up but the faults continue to occur.

I am 74 and so it will come as no surprise that I have been buying audio/TV equipment for many years.  I had not previously bought SONY products since the 1970's because though I may have been unlucky I did have far more trouble with SONY equipment failures than any other brand.  I decided however in 2011 that as the pvr was not an electro mechanical item but essentially a computer that it should be bullet proof.  How wrong I was!  The future is to take it to the nearest official SONY repair agent and I know now that it will be the start of a fruitless process - I dread starting it.  Add to that the fact that such a process requires me to drive going on 60 miles round trip!

I will not be buying any more SONY kit but I thought I would give the Community a whirl to see if someone can put their finger on the root source of my problems.