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TalkTalk/Tiscali iPlayer issues Blu-ray

TalkTalk/Tiscali iPlayer issues Blu-ray

I've a BDP S570 and a EX732 and iplayer has worked ok until last few days. Its great when it works! But over the last few days it now runs out of memory loading the home page and goes into a loop of re-trying until I press HOME to break out of it. Very frustrating. I've been scanning the message boards and lots of folks have been having problems but not seen any mention of this one. Is there a fix or is it just another BBC problem?

Message was edited by: Catmambo

Message was edited by: Catmambo


I have been suffereing this problem for ages & have used the Proxy Server method ( to fix it, but have streaming problems.

I assume this is an ongoing problem for everyone here as no fix found/posted.


Hi Stetrice

This is a very intermittant issue. I have a BDP-S370 and Virgin Media at home and hand on heart have never personally seen the issue and neither has a counterpart at the BBC who has a similar setup. It is still being investigated as an ongoing issue as far as I'm aware as there are some other ISP's that suffer from a similar issue seemingly


Hi - I wish it was very intermittent, for me it happens most of the time. I can still occasionally get it work but I can't detect a pattern which would shed any light upon the cause. Very frustrating. The wife is very upset, she can't catch up on Strictly on our nice new Sony TV, thinks it must be my fault. And after all that expense! And me an IT guy too! Come on, help me out Sony!!!!

I have BDP-S470 on TalkTalk (was Tiscali TV). Same problem. Complained to the BBC and they fixed the problem about 2 weeks ago. Got e-mail from them admitting it was their fault and they had lots of complaints from Sony users. Now the problem has recurred a few days ago. Suggest everyone uses the contact form on BBC iPlayer site to complain. Its a bit long winded but they do seem to take notice. I don't understand why Sony are so silent on the issue. Something to do with Japanese corporate culture I suspect.

Hi Plankra - Its still under investigation I'm afraid, being an intermittent problem limited to some ISP's means its proving tricky to identify the root cause.


I have exactly the same problem on a new BDP-S470. An error message keeps coming up saying "there is not enough memory" when the iplayer page has almost loaded.

Searching the BBC iPlayer forums came up with this solution which works for me (BDP-S470 blu-ray player on Virgin Media broadband).

In the Setup menu go to Network Settings and then Internet Settings. Select your type of connection and then follow the choices through to set up a proxy server manually. The proxy server name to use is and the port to use is 08080.

This seems to bypass whatever Virgin Media are doing to block iplayer and allows the BigScreen version of iplayer to load correctly.

Perhaps Sony and could give Virgin Media a good kicking on our behalf?!!!!

Dear all,

I too would like to add myself to the list of customers having this exact problem.  I received a bundled BDP-s470 as part of the 3D bundle when purchasing a Bravia TV from a London-based Sony Centre.

iPlayer will not load on BDP (gives 'Not enough memory' error message).  Note the other VOD services all work on the BDP and equally iPlayer works on the TV.

I use Opal Business as my ISP (was formerly a PIPEX DSL customer and transferred across when latter purchased the former).

Please advise of a work around (e.g. proxy server settings to apply), or whether a firmware updated will resolve (note I have double checked in system settings that I have the most up-to-date firmware installed, as per this web-site).

Apart form this issue, I am very satisfied with incredible performance/price ratio of this product.

Best regards and hoping for a speed resolution to this problem, Steve Lippitt

Hi Steve

Working on this one as its a known issue with TalkTalk/Opal Business. I'll chase up my contact in the next couple of days. This isn't a hardware issue, its somehow down to how the ISP cache's iPlayer via the browser  and displays it as far as I'm aware.

Thanks for you patience :slight_smile:

Hi All,

I'm experiencing the same iPlayer issue on a BDP 370. I have updated the firmware etc and on numerous occasions repeated the posting that recommends resetting and initialising personal info. The iplayer has worked only once since I bought it two weeks ago. My ISP is TalkTalk (ex Tiscali). I also have a Humax Freesat recorder attached to another TV on the same network. The iPlayer works fine on the Humax, so I'm sure it's not an ISP issue.