Berger au Lesotho

Sony garde les moutons de son père sur les hauts plateaux du Lesotho.

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Taken with a N/A
Software N/A
Taken on N/A
Aperture Value N/A
Shutter Speed N/A
White Balance N/A
Flash Status N/A
Focal Length N/A
Program Setting N/A
Color Space N/A
Lens N/A
Sony garde les moutons de son père sur les hauts plateaux du Lesotho.

 Beautifull picture with wonderfull colours.

Sylvia Bindels

Thank you Sylvia; i took this picture at Sani Pass in Lesotho near the border with South Africa; i sent the picture to Sony (the sheperd on the picture). The sheeps belong ti his dad but it his dog! In fact he has 2 dogs but the second one was young and still shy.
