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finding analoge channels over 9

finding analoge channels over 9

On my newly buyed KDL40EX721 is it only possible to choose higher channels between the digital channels (defined by tree ciffers). The analoge channels (defined by two ciffers) is only able to choose direct for #1 - 9, any higher channels needs to be "scanned" towards.

The manual says: 'just push on the actual buttons quick after each other' and this works out fine with the digital channels, but not at all with the analoge channels.

Do I do anything wrong?

In case of not: Since I assume that a hardware-problem can lay in the remote as well as in the TV: How do I test to decide in wich?

To the question is to be explained that I asked by the retailer, but since they only has Digital channels at hand, I could'nt even check the work of their remotes in store, as well as it wouldnt have helped to bring my own 😞

Thanks for parcipitating in my trouble.




Congratulation for the new TV, excellent  model

i think you are talking about changing the analoge channels numbers by remote (1 digit only avaiable) that the problem?

in case, you go to menu and search for., analoge set-up ., and you will find something related to 1 digit (ON or OFF) then change it to OFF

be sure there is no hardware is only setting matter

let me know the results


Message was edited by: KDL-CX520

Message was edited by: KDL-CX520