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KDL42W653a - Motionflow setting disappeared!


KDL42W653a - Motionflow setting disappeared!



I bought myself a KDL42W653a last week and, initially, was very impressed. The first night I popped on a DVD, fiddled with the settings and found one for 'motionflow' which made the display look super fluid. At the same time, I also changed a setting for audio delay (in ms) because the audio became slightly out of sync with the picture.

Since that night, however, both options have disappeared. The image played from the DVD player is now back to 'normal' and absolutely nothing I change can get the 'motionflow' setting back. I've noticed that a number of people on the net have asked why the motionflow setting is not included on this model (despite it being a Motionflow "00hz TV!) but trust me, IT WAS THERE! It made a wonderful difference to the quality of films and now I'm pretty annoyed that it has gone. Has an erroneous system update since the night I plugged in the TV perhaps removed the option?

If anyone could help me I'd be really grateful... including Sony officials. 

148 REPLIES 148

@Ken1969 wrote:
Hi guys..was thinking of buying this tv...apart from the issue of the motion flow what are your thoughts on the picture quality and quality of the tv...
The motion flow issue seems to be a problem for sony has it clearly states motion flow on the product I wish you all luck with that...
But any other thoughts on the tv
,cheers guys

Hi Ken! The TV is great, as all the review you can find on the internet is a great panel at a great price.
The only "issue" is the MotionFlow case, but you can be sure you will be satisfied of the quality.


For everyone


I have just tested a Samsung TV of a friend, with ClearMotion 200Hz (somebody during this thread has compared that to MotionFlow), well, you can see the motion enhance, there is no way you don't notice that (and, suprise, in the menu there is also a setting to manage it).


This TV is a Samsung 46", same price I have paid for my Bravia, 3D but not Smart (so I could say a step below the price/quality range).


Let's Go Flowin' Sony! :wink:



Thanks for the reply...originally I was going for the panasonic txl42e6, which seems to be on the same sort of par with the sony and about the same price...they both received good reviews and as you said I haven't seen a bad review on the sony at all...kind of made my mind up on the sony but this motionflow problem kind of makes you feel a bit cheated as that was the only major difference I could spot between the panny and the sony...I guess sony are kind of relying on the people that buy the tv and just plug it in and watch it without getting to involved in the settings...but there is a lot of people out there that like to get best from their screen..

I completely agree with you Ken!
That's why we are fighting here! :wink:

My opinion: in your place I'll go for the Pana, Sony only if they will release quick news about this issue.

As the situation is at the time, we don't know if and when we will see out MotionFlow engine working.

I was thinking I might pop into my local electrical store later and have a play with their when I looked at it the weekend I wasn't really aware of this motion flow issue...and I know it wasn't connected to the net because their was no connection when I tried to access the if it hasn't had the chance to update it might still have the motion flow in the if anyone can tell me where in the settings to look I will try to have a look and if it's there I will photo/video it...

The FW update that has hidden the setting has been released in August 2013, but if you have to go there it's worth giving a try.


I don't know exactly where the "switch" should be but I think under:

HOME MENU / Settings / Display / Picture (and from here ADVANCED SETTINGS too)


Let us know!


I dont understand. Why did they remove it in august fw "update". Any reason?

I've heard the reason is because the higher priced models have motionflow and as the W6 is lower end, that they removed it so the higher priced models had more of a benefit.


Personally I think it's disgusting as I bought the 50" model and the motionflow is one of the things that made me choose this model. Sony still advertise it as having motionflow but I have noticed Currys no longer say it has it.


If they dont include it in the future i will nevery buy anything again from sony. They are scambags


I just bought this TV to find that all the advertising is false. Won't be buying anything Sony again unless they rectify this issue promptly. They are scamming thousands of people because this TV is advertised everywhere as being 200Hz, which is rubbish.


Welcome in the team! :wink: