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Netflix Support Discussion Thread


Netflix Support Discussion Thread


Just thought I would offer a bit of clarity around the Netflix discussion threads that keep popping up.

  • Is Netflix coming to Sony devices?

Hopefully, no date confirmed as yet, but as you'd expect, we'd like to launch it on Sony Entertainment Network/BRAVIA Internet Video as soon as we can.

  • Which devices will it be compatible with and will it be backported?

Not clear yet. We look to backport all services to as many devices as possible, but its not always technical possible to do. Whilst it is available on US devices at present, its not yet clear if Netflix would want to re-use the old interface or launch with a new interface, which makes things much harder to backport.

Feel free to ask any questions and I'll do my best to answer below - mindful there are areas I cannot discuss with NDA's in place etc..


Message was edited by: Catmambo

Message was edited by: Catmambo

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cheers drhowells guess if i want it its a new system for me then

i would just like to say how dissapointed i am with my KDL40CX523, i bought it from littlewoods online after reading their description saying it supported apps including netflix! i just cant believe that i can get the us netflix (with a bit to much hassle) but not the uk one that i want!! please fix this sony and believe that you have pis*ed of your customers!

If you read this thread, you would see that this is something that cannot be 'fixed'. It is also not really Sony's fault. Netflix are the ones that are using a different DRM than they use in the US.

drhowells saying it is not really sonys fault doesnt make it true, it is just as much sonys fault as it is netflix , sony new a year before some of the new devices were released that netflix was going with that drm, and as was allready pointed out the new specs were locked in well before release of the 2011 devices but within the time that the drm was announced and the devices released sony could have either  implimented a work around or told people that this device will not run netflix i think most buyers feel a little cheated as the new bluray they bought is out of date or not fit for their purpose although it will play bluray discs it will not run the  the software that they and i believe it should, what will really decide sonys fate over this is how well other companies deal with it, if samsung lg panasonic or any other company release a way to run netflix it will prove that sony didnt make an effort and just looked for the next sale, but if no other companie gets the 2011 machines able to run netflix then netflix deserve to lose out to love film, i honestly beleive that both companies are in the wrong,and having been a user of sony products for a long time and a soe user i believe that if given a chance we could  see a homebrew workaround

You can't tell me that you believe this twaddle? DRM is a software issue; the only way it could possibly cause an issue is if the processor of the TV couldn't encode the stream 'on the fly' due to limitations which would be apparent with most of the other services.

The point about Apple not offering some services like Lovefilm is valid however this is a service choice / deliberate restriction. Apps that are avaialble on any of my other Devices, Xbox new & Old, Apple TV, Samsung TV, PC's are ALL AVAILABLE backward on all devices and not restricted to new hardware purchases i.e. when they choose to supply a service on an Internet Capable device; you get it. Isn't that why we bought them?

To clarify, I don't believe Sony's reasons for not allowing Netflix on non 2012 devices, and certainly not boxes that I have bought earlier this year (2012?). I suggest they're using it as an Upgrade push.

Hi everyone,

I do not normally subscribe to these kinds of discussions but in this instance
I felt the need to offer a pragmatic way forward. I too have a 2011 Sony TV
(KDL-37EX524) and also have a similar new Samsung TV and neither offer Netflix
and are never likely to. The TV and Internet convergence process is still relatively
new and has yet to mature into systems with high compatibility and
interoperability, although the pace of technology may make this Nirvana unachievable
anyway. I have resolved to circumvent the problem by purchasing a separate internet
TV device, in my case a WD TV Live. For such a cheapish (£60-70) device it is
very comprehensive has many other apps and video streaming capabilities such as
DLNA. If I knew about the issues before I bought a ‘smart’ TV I would have
saved quite a bit of money and bought a TV without all the bells and whistles
and concentrated on good picture etc instead. With the money saved I could have easily
afforded a separate Internet box and still have change to replace it in the
future if necessary, although the frequency of software updates and services on
the WD box suggests it will have a reasonable useful lifespan. Of course this
idea is on the premise that TV manufactures continue to offer a choice.

so can i not get netflix on my sony KDL-32EX403?

it is available on the PS3 and that is much older then my tv

Yes thats right Techn0. The PS3 can decrypt the DRM as its got a good spec processor. The TV doesn't.

Hi Catmanbo

Will the new AV amps STR-DA3700ES and the STR-DA5700ES models support Netflix for uk like the 2012 tvs and players?

Message was edited by: FuYuck

Message was edited by: FuYuck


I've just ordered Sony Media player SMPN200 from Amazon's UK site because it said it supports Netflix. Is this true? Otherwise it's a bit misleading and I might be sending it straight back.
