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Hello support, I have recently bought a KDL65W855 TV due to its recomendation mainly from amazon.com and also from avsforum.com, it has great picture quality however the software implementation..
When I use the built-in web browser to visit a standard streaming site svtplay.se it fires up
however I can not fast forward or skip in the clip or change to fullscreen or even change resolution!!.
Visiting their alternate site beta.svtplay.se implementing HTML5 I receive basically the following error translated from swedish to english"Network error - the site you are trying to visit is not available" - when visiting with my
old laptop it however works!!.
This TV is supposed to have 2.2Ghz quad core CPU and whatnot..
Should I wait for a firmware update to fix these things or Im I better of returning this set in favor of a brand that has ironed out these issues.
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DLNA Subtitles and Svtplay -
Once upon a time, I used a program called Serviio for a DLNA server, this has the ability of subtitles as well as the ability to add additional plugin's as a webresource (all be it, it can be a learning curve to get it to work correctly.
Have a look at
and the svtplay plugin (and others):
I also understand where your coming from in regards to facebook/twitter (I dont use them, and hate facebook with a passion) - however others do use them. I also know where your coming from in regards to quality over quantity in regards to smart apps.
In regards to the menus requireing "pre-caching" - When you first turn on a TV these days, its akin to booting up a PC - certain services need to be loaded, therefore a 20secondish delay will occurs from the moment its first switched on.
Just trying to find a work-around for you thats all.
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The build-in browsers typically suck and are not really meant for streaming in spite of HTML5, GHz core and all.
I'll suggest Servio on a NAS/PC for streaming, but I haven't tried SVT play for some time now.
In DK we use HBB TV (open standard), which works great. Give your licence payed SVT a ping to wake up:smileyhappy:
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Thanks Nielsen and thanks for the tips however no more external boxes, remotes and stuff for me and even using a NAS or mediabox, the built-in DLNA client wont support subtitles anyway so whats the point really.
I am so ***** about this right now - it seems Sony has included alot of crap applications nobody will ever use instead of fix things people really want like major streaming sites.
Ok so good movie streaming like HBO Nordic isnt implemented but I can use Feisbook, who uses the big screen TV for that!.
Why would someone fire up the slow browser to search on qoogle!
I Called Sony Nordic today and they said its up to svtplay or any streaming service to add support to Bravia specifically and other brands - I thought it was the other way around such that a streaming site specifies an interface (probably some standard) that TVs of different brands use, then the manufacturer implements this either as an application or makes sure it works in the browers.
Sorry just wanted to make my voice heard after spending 3000$ on some crap TV.

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Hi there
All I can say is, if you are not happy with your TV, return it. However you will find that your issues are replicated across all manufacturers. When I initially got my smart TV in 2011, I had to keep reminding myself that it is a TV (Visual Display Unit) and not a computer. And yes, I actually did use the browser for a bit (internet banking) - you do get faster at using the remote control
However as TV's do cost a bit of money - did you do any research into whether it suits your requirements before purchasing?
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Hello Quinnicus, well I browsed avsforums 65W850a thread and amazon.com and it looked promising regarding
PQ and stuff like that and it really is too, its image quality and 3D is amazing really.
I also chose it because of its phenomenal low input lag regarding gaming etc..
I was actually going to choose the 55W905 from the beginning but it was hard to get any information about how the simulview works whether it can receive 120fps@1080p via HDMI or not really because some TVs can do that however undocumented.
I agree with you regarding visual display device and thats why I think krap like twiiter and fajsbook steals development time that could be spent implementing HBO, LOVEFILM and other payperview services etc.
It seems the menues in the TV needs some pre-caching when the TV starts since they stutter sometimes - things like that really doesn't look professional, I would personally never release such stuff.
I know it looks like I am nitpicking but first impression is important
Things to fix:
-Subtitles internal/external over DLNA (dlna.org claims it fully possible)
-Add support for major streaming sites
-Tune up menues
Maybe we can have some sticky thread(s) for things to fix for respective TV(s)

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DLNA Subtitles and Svtplay -
Once upon a time, I used a program called Serviio for a DLNA server, this has the ability of subtitles as well as the ability to add additional plugin's as a webresource (all be it, it can be a learning curve to get it to work correctly.
Have a look at
and the svtplay plugin (and others):
I also understand where your coming from in regards to facebook/twitter (I dont use them, and hate facebook with a passion) - however others do use them. I also know where your coming from in regards to quality over quantity in regards to smart apps.
In regards to the menus requireing "pre-caching" - When you first turn on a TV these days, its akin to booting up a PC - certain services need to be loaded, therefore a 20secondish delay will occurs from the moment its first switched on.
Just trying to find a work-around for you thats all.
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Thanks Quinnicus will have a look at this, nice and surprising that they have svtplay support
Once upon a time.. how do you solve it nowadays?.
How do we mark this thread as solved?

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Hey there
Yes, once apon a time I did use Serviio to stream my video files to my TV. However there are limitations - ease of use (for one) and in the end I wanted a no-fuss, simple solution, as I am not the only one that watches movies etc.
I do not use too many streaming sites these days, so for me I went with a dedicated Network Media Player. I wanted to rip blurays to ISO format or remux them into MKV. I also wanted a Music Jukebox and Movie/TV Servies wall, with all the covers etc. Once setup, the person who I live with (who can only just manage to use a remote control - LOL) can use it with no hassles.
The Network Media Player that I went with does not do website streaming (like netflix, iplayer svtplay etc etc etc) - For those, my TV or PS3 picks up the slack for that, or alternatively I connect a LONG HDMI cable to the TV, on the odd occasion. But they are not my priority at this stage.
The plugins available for Serviio are not officially supported, however they do have a very knowledgable and dedicated community.
Hope that helps