A sort of challange, or more Task for people


A sort of challange, or more Task for people

I went into my local Sony Centre today to enquire about my "Bulging" keyboard and my dark areas in the corner of my screen. I found that even a £2000 (well £1999.99) laptop the most expensive in the shop had a slight bulge in the kepyboard the same as me. So my task for all you Vaio notebook owners is to look along your vaio from the front and look at the space bar to see if the right hand side of it is higher than the left hand side, and post your results in this Post, thank you. :smileygrin:


Flat as a pancake, but do remember I've probably worn the bugger out thanks to CV!


Hi Kee-Lo I believe your on at the mo so maybe you can help me. Can you dee my keyboard bulge in my pic on this post? E-Support have asked me to send them a pic so they can determine if it is physical damage or not, I know I haven't done ought,
1 cos of the similarity of the keyboards in the Sony Centre, and 2 because I have never used the Keyboard, I oly just recently got this laptop and I always use my wireless keyboard so far.


I can see the right end is higher than the left end


~Thats good thanks, I might send them that pic then. Might pop into Sony Centre with it, I'm not sure they like me doing this but never mind, they have been quite nice so far even though I have never bought anything from there.


The Alt Gr key looks slightly raised as well.. :thinking:


Yes that is the highest raised key I believe. Sony centre guy said he thought it should be ok, I do too really, I will prob send picture to e-support and ask if this should be left and kept in log just incase aqny problems are caused through this in the future.


Ahhh I appear to be getting the clicking sound!! although I would say it sounds more like a clunk, not every few seconds, but every so often :worried: and even as I write it 'knocks' more often. Oh well, I guess at Xmas I'll send in for keyboard and screen and get them to look at this 'knock' too, not by the sounds of it they can do ought. Doh!


Hmm it is doing it quite a bit now, and I never heard it beofre tonight, so annoying. I am writting to Sony in Belgium about trying to claim back the £30 odd i spent on phone calls to Vaio link and I think I will now mention that the repacement has ...
1. The screen shadows
2. The bulgy keyboard
3. The now clicking hard disk
along with
4. When I first switched on the Vaio, (after completeing the windows set up) the first thing I was greeted with was that I needed to run the applications recovery from the Recovery Partition. Surely thats not the first thing that you should have to do when switching on a 'brand new' Vaio.
Made me wonder if I was the first person to have this laptop.

Well on that note I will go to bed and probably have nightmares of Sony Vaios trying to fault me to death, aaarrrgggghhhhh :anguished:


As flat as granite worktop here :smileygrin:


Right, after my last post at about 2.15am, today my laptop hard drive does not appear to be clunking :thinking: This is good, but now I am sort of just waiting for it to do it. Are there any FE21M owners out there with the clunking/clicking noise that can perhaps tell me of the pattern of their clicks and how they first came about? If they were at first sparadic and then became more frequent?


 Are there any FE21M owners out there with the clunking/clicking noise that can perhaps tell me of the pattern of their clicks and how they first came about?

Surely you have seen this thread http://www.club-vaio.sony-europe.com/clubvaio/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=32508 ....

Thank god I have the freedom to ditch anally retentive customers:smileysad:

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