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Bad VBios for VGN-FS315H


Bad VBios for VGN-FS315H

The telephone support of sony already told me that it is bad luck :thanks & puke:

Now i ask the Club Vaio if someone has a solution for the constant appearing Bluescreens on my Gf 6400 Go

Halflife 2 works perfect

All Other 3D applications get a Bluescreen

The Bluescreen does appear randomly, i found no workaround to rebuild the Bluescreen.
Sometimes it takes 5 hours, sometimes 5 minutes for it to appear.

Allthough there is no Update available for the Video Bios.
I did Update my System Bios from the sony support site,
but it did not solve the problem.

When i manage to shutdown the application that causes the bluescreen to appear,
i can not start any new 3D applications as it states that my 3D driver is not available.

This happens as my video driver is caught in an infinite loop

There should be a bugfix to fix the malfunctioning video bios.
This is not bad luck and not my fault!

You (Sony) is in charge to take care of this problem.

Can i expect any support especially from The Sony Corporation or should i contact my lawyer instantly ?

I am going to wait fourteen days from now on (04/15/07 till 04/29/07) just in case i do not get any or just a useless response from Sony.

Here in my Country exists a special law, where the manufacturer has to grant a two year guarantee, just in case you want to irritate me with your illegal guarantee regulations.

Customer Care will be informed if no action takes place and be sure that i will spread the word.

I'm Sorry for my rough writing but i am so pissed off by the handling of this problem.

But i will do my best to cooperate to get this problem fixed, any data besides my personal data, will be submitted.


Welcome to the club,
Half life 2 is great isn't it. However I have to say I wouldn't even bother installing a game like Battlefield 2142 or a Sierra graphic intensive game on a notebook of any description. Notebooks can cope but need defragmentation before installation and constant maintainance to keep them working efficiently. Notebooks aren't gamer approved equipment. get a good 512meg graphic card in a non duel core desktop and I'll see you on the battlefield. Otherwise reformat and keep Half life 2 on a decent desktop if it's BSOD your Vaio :wink:


Well MY notebook was labled as gamer notebook and so i bought it.
Infact I played over half a year adn was happy.

But then i bought Age of Empires III.
The Game runs very well and smooth, the graphics look very nice,
especially on my widescreen.
But then at an unknown event i get the BSOD.
All progress is lost and i can start over again.
I bought some other games too and did hope that this was an incompatibility with AoE III.
But no, it is not!
All My games work very well on my notebook and i have no loss in fun and optic experience in comparison to a normal desktop PC.
Just the Video Driver or the Video Bios seem to have a bug that stands up every now and then just to piss me off.
And the very mean thing is that every responsible person acts like: That's not my fault

Some did even gave me the hint to not play other games then halflife two, which is now three years old -.- ^^

Recently i played World Of Warcraft and here comes the point where i said to myself it does not go on like this.
I bought World of Warcraft because all progress is saved serverside. Which means that if my Notebook crashes, i can go on from where i was before.
World of Warcraft has so called instances, like dungeons and stuff, and there is on the one hand a highly coordinated teamplay needed and it got bosses at the end!
Now i spent a lot of time with leveling my character but now, noone wants to play with me in a team as i can not fulfil the requirements for coordinated teamply, such as sudden disconnects. I was in an Instance with 40 people and all have been killed just because i had a BSOD, they never invited me again.
I have not been warned about an incompatibility, so i wasted a lot of money, not only on the notebook itself!

Yeah Age 3 has been known to hijack the system but I partition my hard drive so troublesome games remain isolated. My partitions are 30gig C: drive for general business. 160gig for files on 😧 and 80gig for games on e:. I put Age on the business C drive where Office and other microsoft plonker programs live. Another way to improve stability and frame rate is burn your game disk as an .iso and go here to obtain the securom patch to run the game from the hard drive partition dedicated to games. Of course the Vaio 5400rpm hard drive is not as good as a desktop 7200rpm hard drive go you may get killed simply because your system is 90 frame per second when someone else is overclocked at 120frames.
Hope this helps but again you can't expect a notebook to perform like a bus speed enhanced cooler running desktop. I clean up using a AMD 64bit overclocked to 3.8ghz pipelined through a 256mg radeon X800GT. The smaller partitions really assist speed. You would have 100 gig hard drive so use 40gig for games and keep Age on the standard partition. If you want to win turn the ingame graphic settings right down to lowest bearable. I don't as I love the real deal but do find my head being blown off more often :smileygrin:


My Problem is not that the games do not run well, they work perfect.

I get over 60 FPS (Frames Per Second) on World of Warcraft and something about 40 at AoE 3

The problem as extensively described above is, that i get random Bluescreens!

Yes i know, i could make a savegame every two minutes, but on the one hand this ain't no solution and on the other hand it does not work for world of warcraft!


TonyBeard the only intention you seem to have is to tell me that my expectations are too high for a notebook.

But this is a hardware issue and not wrong expectations!

everything would be fine if sony released a bugfix to this problem, it is their job to do this, not mine.

What would you do if you buy a car and one of your wheels constantly flys from the axis?
Would you be sad and buy a new car?
Or would you go to the one who sold it two you and let him repair this problem?
I know in some countries you got bad luck with such issues, but not here.


Hmmm, why did i expect this?

Poor Poor Million Dollar Company


Correct me if I am wrong, but you seem to be under the misapprehension that you are receiving official Sony support on this forum. You are not.

We are just other Vaio users trying to help and guide where we can. If you are unhappy with suggestions provided by members of this forum and need official support then contact Vaio-Link.

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