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Ok my laptop gets really unbearable to work with as it is really slow lately and freezes and programs don't respond etc. This has only started happening since i got the message in the title has appeared on start up.
This has happened before and now i have no warrenty left. Am i entitled to more warranty because it is a software problem? And this has now happened twise.
Please help
Windows thinks there is a problem with your hard drive if it is scheduling a file check.
I would run a full disc check using Windows.
Right click the drive in My Computer -> Properties -> Tools -> Error check/Checkdisk -> tick the Auto Fix boxes for File Errors and Bad Sectors -> Go.
The system will ask you to reboot and the full check will run before Windows starts. This will take some time and should fix any bad sectors. If there are problems than cannot be fixed, there may be a problem with your hard drive.
No, i need a new HDD