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considering fs315z - wireless question


considering fs315z - wireless question

I'm considering buying the FS315Z laptop. I already have a VAIO desktop (for last 3 years) and have been very pleased with the performance and durability.
However, my tiny office is upstairs and I wish to work downstairs in the winter, with no extra space.
I currently have cable & wireless broadband.

I want a laptop to work from wirelessly downstairs. I notice that the FS315Z comes with an inbuilt wireless network card which runs at 56MB/s. However, I have already noticed that there are routers which work on 125MB/s.
Can someone explain to me what difference it will make to my broadband connection if I buy a laptop with a wireless LAN card using 56MB/s.
I can only guess it will be like using a 56MB/s modem?

Also is this card upgradeable when technology moves on - or is a permanent feature of the laptop?



Hi Elaine

The difference will not be noticable - as no one in the UK really gets over 8mbit broadband, so the only time you will tell the difference is if you were transfering files from your desktop PC to the notebook.

As for upgrades, the only way would be to get a PCMCIA card if you got a 125Mbit router.

A netgear DG384G router is the best way to go, then you get an ADSL modem, firewall and switch in one box