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Dead Pixel - what to do?


Dead Pixel - what to do?

My FZ11S has a deal pixel - Just one in the middle of the screen. Will Sony replace the screen if there is only one?


Usually, Sony will only replace the screen on the FZ11S if there are more than 7 faulty pixels unless they are grouped together or of a bright colour.

Have a look at Sony's policy here: -

I am a staunch supporter of Sony and its products but cannot agree with them over this, I strongly disagree with this policy. It is totally unsupportable. As the fault is part of the manuracturing process it must be possible to test and reject all faulty screens before they are built into a Vaio. All you need is a quality control department that actually does its job. If we believe Sony's figures, this is so rare that it would cost very little.

I believe public opinion will demand a zero tolerance on faulty pixels and I see some manufacturers are starting to listen. It must be a massive disappointment to find your (expensive) new Vaio has faulty pixels because the manufacturer simply cannot be bothered to test the screens before construction or are too mean to do so. A premium product with such obvious faults is not acceptable.

Purchasers will vote with their feet.
