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Digitalcamera - Connect problem with the VP with the CANON IXUS 500


Digitalcamera - Connect problem with the VP with the CANON IXUS 500

Does anyone know why I cannot download directly from my canon IXUS 500 to the VP. Please don't tell me they are not compatible!
Thanks a lot


there have been loads of posts for this before please check them for more details...

apart from that you can read the manual for instructions!


Lemmy1 i have a new Canon Ixus 700 and i cannot download directly from my camera either.
Welcome to Sony :slight_frown:


Hi Elkingti; thanks a lot for your answer. It seems this problem have a lot of users, and it seems also that CANON users not allone. Last week I spoke with Sonys hotline. I told him all the details of the prolem what I have - neverbody of SONY's hotline can't give me an answer :slight_frown: :slight_frown: :slight_frown:


If your camera is not a mass storage device, then you can't connect it to VP. Even all mass storage cameras not working with VP.
First make sure that your camera is compatible with VP.
And Elkingti there's no need to always whining about Sony and VP, bury in mind that first you could only connect Cybershot with VP, and then they added the ability to connect mass storage cameras.
Stop whining and go and buy a camera from a good company, Canon digital cameras SUX, They're good in SLR.
Don't believe me? go and search about that famous Error problem with IXUS series of Canon, The one occures after a year or so of using and the lens stuck and your camera become useless, unless spending a fortune on repairing it.


DiabloVaio leave the drugs and that trance music, you have one more brain cell in your head, keep it safe.
First you show that you don't know nothing about complaining and the rights of consumer.
Second you shor that you don't know nothing about digital cameras.
Do me a favor a stop saying bullshits.
I have a D70 too and that camera don't work in the VP, i suppose that Nikon cameras sucks too, lol lol.
Read the Sony VP advertising and then talk...

P.S. Stop listening that music, you are really dumb.


Elkingti watch that mouth.
First of all none of your bloody business what I'm listening to, I don't see you in a place judging people by type of music they listen.
Second, I told you about the problem with Ixus series, and you're shitty brain can't hold more than 2 lines of information? I said there's a famous problem in those cameras which prevented me from buying one, I didn't say they are shitty because they're not compatible with VP.
You always whine about VP, and you knew before that it's not gonna be compatible to many cameras, and I'm really happy that Sony made it compatible with some apart from Cybershots. If you live in your bloody ideal world, none of us wants to hear bullshits about your cameras. Go buy something compatible if you can, and do us all a favour and shut up.
That was the last time you talked like that to someone, I won't tolerate next time.
And the only dumb person I see around is the one with the avatar of a man and a glass of milk! Oh, sorry for confusing you, forgot that your IQ is 56. Drink some milk on me, it's good for you.


... thanks a lot, it seemes all Canon users have the same problem


Elkingti watch that mouth. 
First of all none of your bloody business what I'm listening to, I don't see you in a place judging people by type of music they listen.
Second, I told you about the problem with Ixus series, and you're shitty brain can't hold more than 2 lines of information? I said there's a famous problem in those cameras which prevented me from buying one, I didn't say they are shitty because they're not compatible with VP.
You always whine about VP, and you knew before that it's not gonna be compatible to many cameras, and I'm really happy that Sony made it compatible with some apart from Cybershots. If you live in your bloody ideal world, none of us wants to hear bullshits about your cameras. Go buy something compatible if you can, and do us all a favour and shut up.
That was the last time you talked like that to someone, I won't tolerate next time.
And the only dumb person I see around is the one with the avatar of a man and a glass of milk! Oh, sorry for confusing you, forgot that your IQ is 56. Drink some milk on me, it's good for you.

You are really dumb, at least you make me laugh


Elkingti, obviously you have mental problems!
There should be a law against selling gadgets to mentally disordered people! And they should've a supervisor when they are connected to the internet!
Poor guy