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Sony Vaio E Series Problem, was suddenly extremely slow and now wont start.
Basically, i had just finished downloading & installing a game off of steam (frontlines:fuels of war, if it makes a difference). As soon as it had done,it loaded up, the normal 'splashscreen' loading screen came up that most games have, and it just froze.. the game wouldnt start, and from then on my entire laptop slowed majorly.
Restarted laptop, was fine for around 5-7 minutes and then slowly began slowing down again. To the point where when i would click ANYWHERE everything would just freeze and be 'not responding' so i was unable to even restart my laptop normal way.
Had to hold down on button to turn it off. Decided to try the start up repairs stuff. Nothing happened, seem to try and launch the repair and got to a blue screen (the windows graphics kinda one) and just my mouse, and nothing else happened for the 15 minutes I waited.
Same with the VAIO recovery, gets to the blue screen with the small paragraph of text telling me its starting and to wait or something, however after 20 minutes it has not changed.
Tried, again, to turn it on and off. Resulted in now it being stuck on the black screen with the windows logo and it saying windows is starting, and doesnt move from there.
No idea what has gone wrong 😕 All from a steam game.. literally, must of mucked some drivers up or something but have no idea what to do?