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My wife has just started a new career, so I thought a new laptop was in order. I bought the i5 15" VPCEH2POE from Marks & Spencer to get their extended warranty. After 4 weeks of intermittent use and no travel, my wife opened it up to be presented with vertical & horizontal coloured lines, plus a thick ragged black line across the middle. This laptop has been kept in its own pouch inside a neoprene protector sleeve, kept in its own dedicated drawer, and the only stress it has had is occasional opening and a few hours use.
My confidence in my warranty was rudely shattered when M&S denied any liability, saying, despite my protestations, that some kind of force or pressure must have been applied. This without sight of the laptop ..
there is not a mark on the laptop. Now Sony have it in their repair centre after consulting with their support, and say the repair would cost me £355.98 !! If I wanted it back to repair myself they would want £80 for pickup, and presumably £80 for returning it.
We are both long time laptop users, from no-names through Acer to MacBook Pro, and never experienced a failure of any sort. I'm now completely dissed with M&S & Sony for this Chinese manufactured laptop, and both companies will see no more of my patronage !
My Dr / wife is livid - a replacement screen is easily available for .. £46.99 .. including VAT, with a fitting service available at zero cost ..
Who are SONY trying to rip off ? The skilled labour involved on this video seemed to be fairly minimal ..
Parts here ..
I have this same problem. On other forums I read that it has to do with a loose connector. I'm guessing this is not true. But my question was, if I replace the screen could I also replace it with a full hd screen of the same size?